I believe you have read through my post on how to get rid of blackheads on nose : a simple 5 step method that you can integrate into your beauty care schedule to keep blackheads at bay.
If you haven't already, I suggest you go through it once : Get rid of blackheads on the nose.
Now, you have seen many products mentioned in the posts in this blog. Pore Strips, Clay masks, Blackhead Extractors, Scrubs, just to name a few.
The real test is choosing a cure for blackheads that is best for you. People have different skin types, different sensitivities of skin, and different inclinations towards beauty products in general, based on their lifestyles.
You will no doubt be overwhelmed by the sheer number of beauty care products available in the market today. The case is no different for blackhead removing products either.
In this post, I will try to summarize all the kinds of products mentioned in this blog, and recommend the ones that people find most effective. So, without further ado, let us begin :
Clay Masks
Using a mask is a highly effective part of the blackhead removal process. The procedure is highly simplified if you apply a clay mask prior to applying pore strips or extractor tools. Simply mix the clay with rose water and make into a thick paste. Apply this mask on your cleansed face and wash it off after it dries.
The clay mask cleanses your pores and brings out the blackheads, thus making it easier to remove the blackhead using pore strips or blackhead remover tools. It even removes most of the blackheads in the process.
These clay mask products come highly recommended :
Top Pick : Pure Biology Clay Face Mask
Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
Dead Sea Mud Mask for Face & Body
Amara Organics Dead Sea Mud Mask for Face & Body
Molivera Organics Bentonite Clay for Detoxifying and Rejuvenating Skin and Hair
Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask
L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Pure Clay Mask Set
Pore Strips
When it comes to pore strips, there simply is no substitute for Biore products.
Biore is a household name for anyone who has ever had to use a pore strip. Biore markets products for general application on the face, and special nose strips for dealing with blackheads on the nose.
Top Pick : Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips Combo Pack
Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Charcoal Strips
Purederm Nose Pore 24 Strips
A Peel-off Mask can also be highly effective in getting the blackheads off your skin. Check out the following product if you are interesting in this approach. (It is a strong mask though - be warned!)
MEINAIER Blackhead Remover Mask
Blackhead Remover Tool
Blackhead remover tools are simple to use tools that you can use to remove blackheads by yourself. They resemble a tweezer with hooks at either ends. You can use them to squeeze out the blackheads safely without leaving a scar.
Many well known brands have put out good quality blackhead removers, most of them are good but you will be better off choosing one that has a design best suited for you. For instance, many people find that blackhead removers with an angled design are easier to use than the straight ones. Also, make sure you go for a product with two hooks, as these can be used to extract blackheads of different sizes.
Top Pick : JPNK Blackhead Remover Tools Kits
BESTOPE Blackhead Remover Pimple Comedone Extractor Tool
Professional Blackhead & Splinter Remover Tools
Blackhead Remover Acne Tool 9PCS Kit
Hollyson Blackhead Remover Tool and Comedone Extractor, Zit Popper, Pimple Extractor Tools
Blackhead Scrubs / Cleansers
Blackhead scrubs and Cleansers are probably the easiest to use, but they are somewhat less effective than pore strips or dedicated blackhead remover tools. They have the added advantage that they can be used on blackheads appearing in hard to reach areas, which are out of the question when it comes to pore strips or extractors.
Some of the recommended products that fall under this category are :
Top Pick : Activated Charcoal Scrub
St. Ives Blackhead Clearing Face Scrub Green Tea
Biore Warming Anti-Blackhead Cleanser
Garnier Skinactive Towelettes and Garnier Clean+ Blackhead Eliminating Scrub
There are some products that are indispensable when it comes to skincare. Here are some accessory products that are recommended to keep in your shelf for emergencies :
TruSkin Naturals Vitamin C Serum for Face
Radha Beauty Retinol Moisturizer Cream for Face and Eye Area
Eye Cream Moisturizer - Natural Anti Aging Skin Care
Salicylic acid is excellent for cleansing pores and keeping your skin free of several problems. It is an excellent cure for blackheads, acne, and pigmentation, among many others. Best used together with an exfoliant.
Salicylic Acid 20% Professional Chemical Gel Peel for Skin with Tea Tree, Green Tea
Salicylic Acid 20% Gel Peel - Enhanced with Tea Tree Oil & Green Tea Extract
(1 oz/ 30 ml) SALICYLIC Acid 30% Skin Chemical Peel - Beta Hydroxy (BHA)
Rose water is perfect for hydrating your skin and they even have anti-ageing effects. Mix the rose water into your favorite mud pack and create a very effective mask that combats blackheads and many more skin problems.
Salicylic acid is excellent for cleansing pores and keeping your skin free of several problems. It is an excellent cure for blackheads, acne, and pigmentation, among many others. Best used together with an exfoliant.
100% Organic Natural Moroccan Rosewater
Rose Water Facial Toner
Have I missed out an
important cure for blackheads
? Do you find that any other product has been more effective in combating blackheads? Please feel free to share in the comments.
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What is a Blackhead Remover?
At Home Blackhead Remover
tool is specially designed for Blackhead Removal at Home with high quality results.
Squeezing out a blackhead with your hands can cause scarring of your skin. Using a dedicated blackhead remover ensures that your skin is safe, at the same time making sure that the blackhead is removed completely.
What does a Blackhead Remover look like?
Generally, a Blackhead extractor resembles a tweezer, with loop like
holes on both ends. Most have two different sized loops for application
on different sized blackheads.
It's always better to go for a tool with two loops, as you will find it more handy in the long run.
Blackheads removers can be used effectively on Pimples also.
How to take out blackheads using a Blackhead remover
Almost all the blackhead extractor products come with the guarantee that they won't scar your skin. But still, you have to take care to do things the right way, and ensure that your skin is safe, and all the unsightly blackheads removed.
1. Prepare your skin
As outlined in my 5-step method to effectively remove blackheads, first you have to open up the pores.
Soak a washcloth in warm water and apply on your face for a full 10 minutes, to ensure that the pores are opened and the blackheads, ready to be pulled out.
2. Use the Blackhead Extractor to pull out the Blackheads
There is a small loop at the end of the Blackhead Extractor Tool.
Place the loop over the Blackhead that you want to remove.
The loop should be placed in such a way that it covers the blackhead entirely.
Apply a small amount of pressure on the tool.
This should make the follicle release its contents, namely the blackhead and oil.
Keep on applying the even pressure until all of the material inside the follicle has oozed out.
Sometimes, it works better to push down on the blackhead and then drag the tool down, taking the follicle contents along with it.
3.Disinfect the Area
After the blackhead has been pulled out, you have to disinfect the surrounding area so it doesn't spread.
Take a small amount of Rubbing Alcohol on a soft cotton ball and wipe the skin that has been recently rid of blackheads.
Take care to wash away any of the substances that might have come out of the follicle, as these can make the blackheads to come back if left on the skin for long enough.
Finally, rinse your face thoroughly, with cold water if possible, to close the pores.
4. Sanitize!
..and this one goes without saying, don't forget to sanitize the blackhead remover after each use!
Why use a Blackhead Remover at all?
Blackhead removers have their own advantages.
Sure, Pore strips are the easiest way to extract blackheads but, for people with extremely sensitive skin, pore strips are not recommended. In such cases, Blackhead Extractors are your best bet.
Blackhead extractors are also easier to use on blackheads that spawn at hard to reach areas. Most people have their nose pores clogged, that can easily be taken care of with biore strips, but what if you have blackheads in the ear? Some Blackhead Removers even boast an angled design to work those hard to reach areas.
Blackhead Removers are also more economical, since they can be re-used for a long time, unlike Pore Strips or Blackhead Scrubs, provided, you sanitize them thoroughly after each use.
So it should come as no wonder that these happen to be the preferred at home blackhead remover for most people.
How to choose a good Blackhead Remover product
When you buy a Blackhead Remover Tool, be sure to check :
1. It is made of Good quality Stainless Steel
2. Has Angled Loops (You'll thank me later)
3. Is from a well known brand
4. Easily Sanitizable
5. Dual Ended Loops design, and most importantly:
6. Has great Customer Reviews
Some of the well known names in this category are Tweezerman, Seki Edge, Revlon, etc.
You can read the customer reviews for each of their products at the links specified.
Recommended at home blackhead remover products :
Want more options? The idea of using sharp looking objects on your skin weirding you out?
Check out your alternatives and choose for yourself the best way to remove blackheads.
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Biore's Pore Strips
are a wonderful invention of our times. It is truly a boon for people suffering from blackheads, and presents them with a way to literally pull out those nasty blackheads with ease!
What's more? Biore has introduced pore strips designed specifically for use with Blackheads on your nose.
So how to get blackheads out using a Biore strip
? Read on to find out :
What are Biore Nose Strips?
Biore Nose Strips are a product specifically designed for dealing with blackheads on the nose. They look like a small strip of masking tape. Strips designed for general application on the face are also available.
How to use Biore Nose strips?
Here is a quick rundown on how to get blackheads out using Biore Strips :
Cleanse your face, then apply the strip with the sticky side down on your nose.
Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then pull it away from the nose in one swift motion.
You will see that the Biore strip will take away more than half of the blackheads on your nose in just one application.
More detailed instructions can be found on the back panel of the product, so don't worry!
Do Biore Pore Strips really work?
There are many people for whom Biore strips have worked wonderfully.
Then there are people who swear by it.
There are also many people who, after trying various other products, finally tried Biore Strips and has never since looked back.
So yes, I guess these do work! :)
Before and After pore strips
It is recommended to cleanse your face and wash it in warm water to open up the pores in order for the strip to work more effectively. After the extraction, it is a good idea to wash your face with cold water as this will seal the pores shut and prevent fresh impurities from getting in.
The bigger picture, check out all the steps to Remove Blackheads from Nose : How to get rid of blackheads on nose
Biore Nose Pore Strips Reviews
Don't just take my word for it, Check out customer reviews at Amazon.com!
And only if you are satisfied with the reviews, grab the recommended pore strips at the best price from Amazon :
Pore strips not your thing? Don't worry, check out your options and choose the best way to remove blackheads.
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Most people struggle with skin problems for the whole of their lives.
But you know what, with the host of remedies available in both the market and in Mother Nature herself, there is no reason to go on fighting with your problematic skin for life.
The only thing you need is an effective skincare routine, One that is logical, and one that you will faithfully follow and not falter.
Who wouldn't want a beautiful skin like that!
We all know what cause blackheads. They may be driving millions of people around the world into chronic depression and self-loathing, but at the end of the day, it is just dirt trapped under the skin.
So, here is a logical method to deal with this dirt. Are you a person who has tried every product off the counter to tame your unruly skin and still wondering How to Get rid of Blackheads on nose for good
? Well then, try this simple 5 step method, that has kept many people sane (including your humble writer).
Step One : Open the Pores
The main reason many people can't get blackhead removal products to work is because they can't get them to reach the impurities deposited under the skin. Opening the skin pores prior to the removal process will make it easier to extract the Blackheads from their very source.
- Get a towel, and wet it with Warm Water. Apply it on the face for about 15 minutes.
- Alternatively, you may steam your face instead of using a warm wetcloth. Cover your face in a towel and place it in the way of steam for 15-30 minutes. Let the steam open the pores for you.
Step Two : Bring out the Blackheads
Now that the pores are all dilated and opened up, we need to bring the Blackheads closer to the skin surface so that they can be effectively extracted.
- Mix some Clay (preferably Green Clay) with Rose Water and make it into a thick mixture. Spread this as a mask on your nose and let it sit for some time until it sets.
- Once the mask has dried and your face feels tight, gently wash off the mask with lukewarm water.
Green Clay will pull out the Blackheads in the process, in addition to cleansing the skin pores.
Step Three : Blackhead Extraction
After washing off the mask, there will still be impurities left in the pores.
Extract any remaining blackheads out of their pores using a preferred methods (read this post and choose for yourself the best way to remove blackheads )
You can use any of the following to achieve the same :
Once you are done, cleanse your face thoroughly to wash away the impurities.
Step Four : Seal those Pores!
After you are through with the extraction process, your face will have been wiped clean of Blackheads.
However, we cannot leave it as it is, we have left the pores open, remember?
To ensure that the blackheads do not reappear, at least in the immediate future, we have to seal the pores shut after the procedure.
- Put some ice inside a washcloth and apply it on your face.
- Alternatively, you may splash ice water on your face.
Done, That should seal those pores shut!
Step Five : Moisturize!
We have now completed the Blackhead Extraction process.
However, to go the extra mile, apply some Oil-free, Non-comedogenic Moisturizer on your face and leave it glowing.
There you have it! The Five Steps that will keep you glowing and clear your face of blackheads!
You will never again have to wonder how to get rid of blackheads on nose and drive yourself into depression.
Make sure you include this into your skincare routine, and go through the process every five days or so.
Within a month, your face will be completely devoid of Blackheads or any trace of them having been there!
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Before you read on, I suggest that you read the proven and easy 5-step method on how to get rid of blackheads on nose, if you haven't already. This is step three of the process, one which can easily integrate into your beauty care regimen.
So you have Opened up the pores on your face and applied a mask to remove the impurities on the outside and bring out the Blackheads.
Now, the next logical step is to use a preferred method to extract the Blackheads themselves.
Coming to Blackhead extraction methods, there are many options available to you, and new products are being introduced in the market every day. But most, if not all, of them fall under the following categories.
Read on and choose what you think would be for you, the best way to remove blackheads.
1. Pore Strips
Pore strips are kind of a household name to people suffering from Blackheads.
Pore strips are really effective, in that they succeed in extracting almost all of the gunk deposited under your skin in just one application.
Biore strips are the most popular of these, and they are really simple to use too :
Just stick the biore strip onto your nose (after cleaning and opening up the pores), wait for about 10 minutes, then just pull away the strip from your nose in one swift, gentle motion. The strip should take away with it the gunk that once filled your pores.
What's more, Biore has strips especially designed for blackheads on the nose. An absolute essential to your skincare routine if you are suffering from Nose Blackheads!
If Biore Strips are not working for you, then probably you are not doing it the right way. Try steaming/warming your face first and opening the pores, and then applying the strips.
Read more about Biore Strips : How to get Blackheads out using Biore Pore Strips.
2. Blackhead Removal Tool
Don't be intimidated by the picture, these are really simple (and safe) to use, provided, you buy from a trusted source!
Blackhead Removers are generally hook shaped tools that you can use to manually pull out the blackheads yourself without harming your skin.
There are a lot of different varieties available in the market. For example, the one in the picture above has two different openings for different sized blackheads.
Using one is very easy. They all come with instructions, so, don't worry, you will live.
When shopping for a good blackhead remover, just make sure you get one that is made of pure stainless steel, is easily sanitizable, and preferrably, with good customer reviews.
Read more about blackhead remover tools : At home blackhead Remover
3. Scrubs
The third most popular choice by consumers is the line of Blackhead Removing Scrubs from different companies. Almost all major cosmetic manufacturers have products in this segment, so you will have a hard time choosing. I would go with Clean&Clear or Olay, since they seem to have the best reviews among the user base.
Blackhead Removal Scrubs come recommended for daily use. I don't see why not.
Most of these products come with exfoliants and Salicylic Acid, so, all the more reason to include them into your daily skincare regime!
Also, scrubs are easier to apply on hard to reach areas, compared to the other methods, such as blackheads in ears. This is an added advantage.
These are the most popular methods, but it is upto you to find out the one that works for you, and which will be for you the best way to remove blackheads
Some other obscure methods too exist, but it is beyond our scope to list them all here. Besides, most people find great results just by using Pore Strips!
So which is the best way to remove blackheads on nose? Choose the one that suits your requirement and convenience the most.
So now you have extracted the blackhead from its source, the job is done, right? not.
To keep your skin from forming blackheads again in the immediate future, we have to close the pores we once opened to get the gunk out.
How is this done? See the Whole Process outlined here : How to get rid of blackheads on nose
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For the best results, Blackhead removal should be done in a logical manner.
First you have to get the pores open, then you have to remove the Blackheads using one of the proven methods, then close the pores again quickly so they don't get contaminated and clog up again.
If you are willing to put in some time and follow a dedicated beauty regimen, I suggest you read the recommended method on How to get rid of blackheads on nose. But for a quick fix, any of these below given methods must work. These will not be as effective in keeping away blackheads as the above mentioned method, but it sure is a way
how to get rid of blackheads quickly.
Pore Strips
Pore strips are adhesive tapes that resemble masking tape, but are manufactured specifically to extract Blackheads without harming your skin. Of these, Biore Strips are the most popular.
Using a Biore strip is very simple. Just stick a Strip on your nose, at the blackhead affected site, and wait for about 10 minutes. Then, in one swift motion, tear the strip away from your face. You will find that most of the blackheads will have been extracted with just one strip, hence it is one of the most effective (and easiest) methods to extract blackheads.
It is recommended that you use Pore Strips atleast once a week.
Read more about Biore Strips : How to get blackheads out using Biore Strips
Honey Patdown
This method works wonderfully if you have some really sticky honey in store.
Start with a clean face (NOT a wet one!). Cover your fingers in honey, and start patting your face rapidly with the honey-covered fingers. The honey will stick to the material inside the pores and pull them as you take your fingers back from your face. What's more, honey is an excellent Anti-oxidant, so if at all any stuff is left in the pores, they will not oxidise and turn black.
Please note that you will need really sticky honey for this to work!
Tomato / Lemon / Oatmeal Mask
Peel a ripe tomato and place it in a blender, along with a Tsp of Lemon Juice and a Tsp of Instant Oatmeal. Blend the mixture.
Spread the thick paste on your clean face, and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Tomatoes and Lemon Juice are rich in acids that fight BlackHeads effectively. Oatmeal is an excellent exfoliant. Together, they should work wonders.
Egg Whites
When it comes to Blackhead removal, anything is better than squeezing them out with your fingers, even covering your face in egg-whites and smelling like egg for the rest of the day.
Clean your face, Get some egg whites, and spread them evenly on the blackhead covered area, or the whole face, that would be better. Don't just stop with one layer, When the first one dries, paint another, and then another one still.
Wait for the whole mask to dry completely. 15 minutes would be an ideal time to wait.
By this time, the egg mask will have dried completely and your face will have begun to tighten. You might have started to get worried about your skin, but don't worry, we will get rid of the goo in a minute (not the stench though, sorry..). Get a washcloth, preferably dipped in warm water, and apply it on the mask. Scrub the layers away gently exerting Little force. The blackheads will not have disappeared completely, or nearly as much as when using a strip, but you sure will be left with a smoother and softer skin, and some of the blackheads will have gotten scrubbed away too.
Cosmetic Clay Mask
If you can get your hands on some Cosmetic Clay, you can easily make a mask that is really effective in pulling out the blackheads.
Just mix about 1 tablespoon of Clay with 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and make it into a paste. Apply it on the affected area, and let it sit for about 15 minutes and dry into a tight mask.
Dip a washloth in slightly warm water and gently wipe the mask off.
Green Tea Scrub
If you are in the habit of drinking Green Tea, save the teabag after you have brewed a hot cup.
Cut open the used Teabag and take out the tea. Spread it on your skin and scrub it gently for some time. Green Tea is rich in AntiOxidants which will also help exfoliate your skin. Rinse your face in warm water afterwards.
Oatmeal Mask
A homemade Oatmeal mask is really easy to make.
Mix a cup of Oatmeal with 3 teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel, and 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda (and no more!)
Spread the mask on your face and leave it on for five minutes. Wash away gently with warm water.
ToothBrush it!
This is an extreme measure that should be attempted only as a last resort!
Dip a soft bristled toothbrush in lemon juice and gently scrub the affected area. Use gentle circular motion so you don't harm your skin. Rinse your face thoroughly afterwards.
Dip the tootlhbrush in Hydrogen Peroxide to clean it afterwards. I recommend you keep a seperate toothbrush for blackhead busting, for obvious reasons.
Make sure that you avoid any sensitive areas on your face, the eyes, and any cut or open areas of the skin!
These are some quick fixes on how to get rid of blackheads quickly, but for best results, I recommend you read the 5 step method on how to get rid of blackheads on nose that many people find effective in getting rid of blackheads for good.
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They say, 'Prevention is better than Cure'. This is especially true when it comes to skin problems, and more so when it comes to facial skin problems.
It is always best to prevent situations that can cause problems (blackheads in this case) because once you get them, you cannot just hide from the society until your problem is fixed.
how do you prevent blackheads
from occurring? Here I will list some of the best practices to prevent blackhead formation.
- Cut down on your consumption of oily foods. Too much oil in the skin can cause the pores to get clogged easier.
Get used to eating more vegetables and avoiding oily junk foods. This will not only improve your skin but also lead to a overall healthier body and even avoid heart problems in the future.
- Wash your face more often during the day. You should be splashing water on your face at least two times daily to keep your skin clear of impurities.
- If you can, get in the habit of blotting your face with tissue paper through the day. Indispensable if you work on site or have to travel a lot during the day.
- Wear less make-up. Too much make-up can also cause long term skin problems.
plus they make you look like a bimbo.
- Facial steam is REALLY underrated! There is nothing better than a warm steam to clear your head and replenish your skin.
- Make it a habit to use an astringent after cleansing your skin. An astringent is a product that contracts the skin. It helps close the pores and thus prevent several skin issues, including blackheads.
- Coming to cleansers, be sure you check reviews or recommendations and pick one that is not too harsh on your skin. It can do more harm than good if your skin is too sensitive.
- Avoid lotions or creams that have high oil content like the plague.
- Exfoliate regularly. It is recommended that you exfoliate at least three times a week.
Exfoliation helps remove accumulated dirt and dead cells, the same things that could clog your pores and cause blackheads.
- When looking for an Exfoliating Scrub, choose one that contains Salicylic acid. It will penetrate the pores and prevent blackheads from forming.
- An oil absorbing clay mask can do wonders to clean up your skin and leave your skin glowing (literally). Lot of natural clay masks are available in the market. Check your local beauty store.
- If clay is not your thing, a gelatin + tomato juice mask is a great option. This can absorb oil as effectively, is relatively easy to prepare, and is completely natural.
- Change your pillowcase often. This may seem like something your mother would say, but hey guess what, she was right! There is a higher concentration of dead cells in one's pillow than he/she will ever admit.
- And finally, if you already suffer from blackheads, DON'T Squeeze them! You will be very much tempted (and yes, I know there is no greater satisfaction in the world), but resist the urge, for the sake of your face.
If you must, use a proper tool to squeeze out the blackheads. When you try to do it with your fingers, the bacteria in your fingers will happily move from your fingers and nails and right into the open pores, doing more damage than good.
These are some of the most important things to worry about if you don't want to spend the rest of your life purchasing blackhead removal products.
Already got the blackheads? check out what I do, a simple 5-step method that I still use to keep my face blackhead-free : How to get rid of blackheads on nose
Did I miss out on any indispensable blackhead prevention tip? How do YOU prevent blackheads? Do you have any that might help someone? Feel free to mention in the comments!
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